“Sew Together, Grow Together”

This morning the family went out to the city to get the very necessary coffee pods as I had run out 2 days ago (which was also when I got my migraine). Once out, little Zach wasn’t too keen to keep walking around the shops, so he and hubby went home while Josh and I continued on to Lincraft for the second necessary item on the list … FABRICS!

However, we made a quick stopover to Dymocks to see if I could find a book for Zach, but over the loudspeakers came an announcement that there was a craft activity for kids happening there and then. So Josh and I decided to check it out.

It was a sewing class for kids … wazza! Fantastic timing as Josh wanted me to get him a book with sewing craft ideas for kids.

Trixi Symonds was holding the activity and she is the author of Sew Together, Grow Together, a selection of hand-sewing projects … with the idea {of} the book planted by parents who ‘can’t even sew on a button’ but wished they could play a more active role in their child’s hand-sewing adventures …” (extract from the book’s intro)


The kids were given all the necessary supplies to make a felt cushion they could turn into a monster or anything else they liked.

Josh was shown how to pin the felt together and how to do a running stitch …


Check out how neat his stitches are compared to when he first started (circled in the picture below)


Time to stuff the cushion …


And here he is with the finished cushion, with googly eyes, pom-poms and bowtie super-glued on with the help of a grown-up.


And here is Josh with Trixi the author who also has a blog called Coloured Buttons


And finally on the train with his creation, who he named “Mr Whoopie Cushion”


I was so proud of Josh and was a bit worried at first him using an embroidery needle that was small and very pointy and sharp … but, he did it, with no accidents at all.


Already onto his next project from the book and it seems Josh chose the most complex and challenging of all to begin with LOL 😀 Can’t wait for Josh to do more projects and hone his sewing skills.


Please note, we paid and purchased our Sew Together, Grow Together book and not affiliated with the author or the book. I just love to share great ideas … as it’s caring 😉

5 thoughts on ““Sew Together, Grow Together”

  1. Pingback: Ebook Launch of Sewing Projects for Kids - Coloured Buttons

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